


How could I have become so driven and motivated to break claims in space of branding, business growth & marketing? Better yet, a master class to guide and help others, a master class with resources and insight.


Greatest Factor Behind Success

One of my biggest struggles and challenges very early on and even at times today is, self promotion. This is from being what is called, an extroverted introvert. Although most know me as very outgoing and charismatic, I was not always this way!


Tech Trends On The Rise

A look at what trends are on the rise, intuitive strategies to focus that may affect marketing plans for business owners, thinkers and leaders.


Best Way To Get New Business

Networking? Referrals? Direct Market? Web sites/internet, strategic alliances, events, hosts, many fail to understand the power of an excellent network strategy. Host beneficiarys are also a great opportunity overlooked.


How did you become so skilled with new podcasts?

Two weekends ago, a group of friends discussed podcasts and I was so humbled; they believed I had a “podcast voice.” 

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